Customized elevator
systems from
Frankfurt am Main

News: trade show review | Thoma Aufzüge at Inter­lift 2023

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Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
50 years of experience engineering and building elevators

We know how it works

When it comes to eleva­tors, Thoma is the “custom tailor” — specia­lized in fulfil­ling almost any customer request beyond the usual stan­dards. In doing so, we apply our many years of expe­ri­ence and our exten­sive know-how in the deve­lo­p­ment and cons­truc­tion of control systems and special instal­la­tions. We manu­fac­ture all essen­tial compon­ents ourselves. From our point of view, this is the best prere­qui­site for high quality and long-lasting func­tion. And for main­ten­ance and repair, we can thus fall back on our own high-quality spare parts at any time. 

Our strenghts

We show what is possible

The indi­vi­dual consul­ta­tion of our custo­mers is a central service for us. After all, we want to fulfil all wishes and specific requi­re­ments in the best possible way. In addi­tion, we are happy to show what is possible and can often even be realized with a mana­geable budget. 


Due to our great vertical range of manu­fac­ture — we produce more than 70 percent of all compon­ents at our Frank­furt site — we are not depen­dent on the speci­fi­ca­tions of suppliers. Many manu­fac­tu­rers, on the other hand, fall back on a limited stan­dard selec­tion and have to weigh up quality and price at the purcha­sing stage. Around 80 percent of all newly built eleva­tors are ther­e­fore stan­dard systems.


Our sales staff are expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians and know what they are talking about. Mate­rial, dimen­sions, design, controls and tech­nical equip­ment — we can fulfil almost any wish and show in detail what is possible.

Our services

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We value close cooperation

For us, consul­ting begins in the quota­tion phase. After the order has been placed and ever­y­thing important has been agreed, we initi­ally hand over three to five drawings to our custo­mers, inclu­ding a plant drawing with shell details and tech­nical speci­fi­ca­tions, a car drawing with dimen­sions and views, and a portal drawing with the enclo­sure frame and the external opera­ting devices. Only when our custo­mers approve these plans do we start further internal plan­ning and subse­quently produc­tion. In this way, we want to work as closely and trans­par­ently as possible with our custo­mers right from the start and, in parti­cular, ensure that our custo­mers get exactly what they want.

Thoma Aufzüge GmbH
Schön­berger Weg 6–10
60488 Frank­furt am Main

T +49 (0)69.9766 08–0
F +49 (0)69.9766 08–999