Custom design — sustainable quality — Made in Germany

Our services:

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress


We show what is possible The indi­vi­dual consul­ta­tion of our custo­mers is a central service for us. After all, we want to fulfil all wishes and specific requi­re­ments in the… 
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Special Systems

Special requests are our stan­dard There are many compa­nies that build eleva­tors. Maybe it’s better to say they assemble eleva­tors from stan­dard parts accor­ding to stan­dard dimen­sions. We, on the… 
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We are your elevator tuner It does not always have to be a new elevator if the value of an exis­ting system can be increased by repla­cing just a few… 
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Electronic control systems

Our „crown jewels“ We like to define what we under­stand by quality ourselves. That’s why we have always manu­fac­tured all the compon­ents that are essen­tial to us in our own… 
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Maintenance & Service

Elevator atten­dant on standby As flexible and quality-oriented as we build eleva­tors, we also service them. And that applies just as much to systems from other manu­fac­tu­rers. After all, despite… 
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We supply the best ingre­di­ents — from the compo­nent to the complete plant  One of our grea­test strengths is that we not only can do a great deal, but also… 
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