Fabrik NummerFactory Number #4001
AuftraggeberClient private investor
BauherrBuilder private investor
FachingenieurSpecialist none
ArchitektenArchitects B & V Braun Canton Architekten
BaujahrYear of Construction 2019
Anzahl der AnlagenNumber of installations 1
TragkraftLoad capacities 630kg
HaltestellenStops 4
GeschwindigkeitSpeeds 1,0 m/s
AntriebsartDrive types gearless traction elevator
NutzungsartType of use glass elevator
GebäudeartType of building Wohnhäuser
AuftragsartType of order Neuanlage
BesonderheitenSpecial features shallow shaft pit, pit only 450mm / glass elevator in "stair eye" with steel frame / planar glazing (point supports) / high quality, individual cabin equipment

As is usually the case, the exis­ting space was to be opti­mized, leaving little room for the tech­no­logy. There was not enough space for a stan­dard elevator system, which was to be installed in the stair­well of the house with a self-supporting, glazed steel frame. We ther­e­fore had to adapt the system to the buil­ding and opti­mize the dimen­sions. At the same time, the aesthetic speci­fi­ca­tions were deman­ding: The clients wanted the shaft to be glazed, with the glass panels only being fastened at indi­vi­dual points with so-called planar holders. 

In addi­tion, the shaft pit could only be 450 mm deep. We ther­e­fore had to meet addi­tional safety requi­re­ments and, among other things, set up tempo­rary shel­ters under the booth. All this required more complex, inten­sive plan­ning, but we were able to make full use of our exten­sive know-how as a manu­fac­turer of special equip­ment. The result is well worth seeing.