Rise to the challenge!

If you have a tech­nical educa­tion and would like to work in a young, moti­vated team, you are in good hands with us! Career chan­gers are also welcome at any time! Above all, we are looking for people who like to learn some­thing new and enjoy making a diffe­rence with their work.

Thoma Aufzüge (Thoma Eleva­tors) is an estab­lished, medium-sized family busi­ness from Frank­furt am Main. We produce all the essen­tials ourselves, inclu­ding elec­tronic compon­ents such as controls, and are constantly provi­ding inno­va­tive impetus in the process.

We attach great importance to provi­ding our employees with the best possible trai­ning and accom­pany them perso­nally on their way to beco­ming quali­fied specia­lists. We take the time to train you for your new tasks and to fami­lia­rise you thoroughly with them. Regular trai­ning and further educa­tion are a matter of course for us.

For some areas we also hire part-time staff or staff on a 520 € basis (mini-job).