Elevator attendant on standby

As flexible and quality-oriented as we build elevators, we also service them.

And that applies just as much to systems from other manu­fac­tu­rers. After all, despite all the quality, even the best tech­no­logy requires regular main­ten­ance and care. They prevent malfunc­tions and are a prere­qui­site for reliable, safe opera­tion and a long service life.

  • Consul­ting 
  • Main­ten­ance 
  • Remote moni­to­ring 
  • 24-hour emer­gency service
  • Legal inspec­tions & safety analyses 
  • Preven­tive modernization
  • Service areas 
  • Main­ten­ance forms


Our service should be perfectly tail­ored to the needs of our custo­mers and the specific requi­re­ments of an elevator instal­la­tion. It is ther­e­fore important to discuss in advance which work or services make tech­nical and economic sense. In addi­tion to regular inspec­tion and main­ten­ance, moder­niza­tion can often maxi­mize the relia­bi­lity and ride comfort of an instal­la­tion and reduce opera­ting costs. We are happy to take the time for a detailed consul­ta­tion to work with our custo­mers to analyze their needs and create a custo­mized service package. We can do a great many things, but we only do what is best for our customers. 


If an elevator system is well main­tained and regu­larly inspected, opera­tional malfunc­tions should not occur in the first place. We know what needs to be done and offer compre­hen­sive main­ten­ance packages that include compre­hen­sive func­tion checks, clea­ning work and lubri­ca­tion of mecha­nical parts.

In addi­tion to regular changes of hydraulic and gear oil, the provi­sion of fitters for regular TÜV inspec­tions and normal fault recti­fi­ca­tion, our full main­ten­ance also includes cover for major defects, for example in drives, suspen­sion cables and ropes, as well as the repair and repla­ce­ment of all other defec­tive parts — with no limit on labor and mate­rial costs.

Remote monitoring   

In addi­tion, we have remote moni­to­ring systems that support us with fault diagnoses and auto­matic malfunc­tion reports and enable the recom­mis­sio­ning and remote servicing of our elevator systems.

On site, we rely on our quali­fied service personnel, whom we constantly train and retrain so that our people reco­gnize faults imme­dia­tely and also find it easy to handle special measu­ring equip­ment and special tools.

This means that we can almost always ensure that your plant is repaired as quickly as possible.

24-hour emergency service 

With compe­tent main­ten­ance and support, we ensure reliable opera­tion of your plant. However, if a malfunc­tion does occur, our 24-hour emer­gency service is on hand. With a large team of expe­ri­enced service tech­ni­cians, foremen and engi­neers and around 20 well-equipped emer­gency vehicles, we can respond quickly at any time and solve most problems at short notice.

Here, too, our custo­mers benefit from our vast expe­ri­ence and our exten­sive spare parts warehouse, where all important compon­ents — inclu­ding parts from other manu­fac­tu­rers — are imme­dia­tely available and do not have to be ordered first.

After all, short response times are parti­cu­larly important in the event of a malfunc­tion. Our staff can ther­e­fore be reached by cell phone via our emer­gency call center, even on weekends and holidays.

Legal inspections & safety analyses

The use of high-quality compon­ents and good, profes­sional main­ten­ance are the best prere­qui­sites for safe opera­tion. In addi­tion, regular tech­nical inspec­tions by an autho­rized inspec­tion agency (ZÜS) are manda­tory for eleva­tors, just as they are for motor vehicles, with main and inter­me­diate inspec­tions alter­na­ting at least once a year. Irre­spec­tive of this, the opera­tors of elevator systems are obli­gated at all times to guarantee the safe condi­tion of their systems and to keep the tech­no­logy up to date in accordance with the German Ordi­nance on Indus­trial Safety and Health (Betr­SichV). For this purpose, Thoma Aufzüge offers compre­hen­sive safety analyses. Our experts examine all critical compon­ents of a system — from the shaft and shaft pit to the car and doors to the inspec­tion control and emer­gency swit­ches. As a rule, well over 20 compon­ents and func­tions are checked and all poten­tial sources of danger are iden­ti­fied. Most of these can be reme­died rela­tively easily. Here, too, our custo­mers can rely on our great know-how and flexibility.

Preventive modernization

To elimi­nate safety risks from the outset, we offer a wide range of retro­fits that bring your plant up to the latest safety tech­no­logy wherever possible. 

And, of course, we are also constantly working to further develop our drive systems as well as soft­ware and hard­ware compon­ents with the aim of using low-fault, energy-saving and thus future-proof technology.

Should you decide to convert or moder­nize your elevator system at short notice, this is of course also part of our service.

We manu­fac­ture the neces­sary compon­ents ourselves, inclu­ding special controls that we develop for the specific requi­re­ments of our customers. 

Our modular stan­dard controls can also be easily expanded in many ways on site.

The most important goal in all of this: the most trouble-free, long and reliable opera­tion possible with low down­times and low costs.